Resale Condo Vs Preconstruction Condos

Buying A Condo: Resale Condo Vs Preconstruction Condos

Pre-construction vs. Re-sale Condos: The Pros and Cons

In this article we will discuss the difference between the Resale condo vs Pre construction condos. Every type of home has its advantages and disadvantages; condos, of course, are no exception. But what abouts the pros and cons of pre-construction condos compared to re-sale condos? While there are many similarities, both types of condos also share a number of differences that cannot be ignored. Today, I’m going talk about the benefits and the downsides of pre-construction condos – and re-sale condos – so that you can decide which one is the right fit for you.

The Pros of Pre-construction Condos

  • Customization

When you buy a pre-construction condo, you also buy the option to do things your way! If you want granite countertops, you can request them! If you want light grey walls, the choice is yours! This will be done for you as your unit is being built; with a re-sale condo, you’ll have to make these changes yourself after you’ve already moved in.

  • A Fresh, Modern Look

Pre-construction condos are made with current popular housing trends and features in mind. You’ll have something that looks brand new because it is brand new! You also won’t have to worry about renovating anytime soon because it will continue to look great and last for years to come. Older re-sale condos, however, may not be in the greatest condition and could require renovations to update the unit’s appearance and safety.

  • Pre-construction Condos can be Cheaper than Re-sale Condos

Pre-construction condos often come at a cheaper price than re-sale condos. This is because the building developers are trying to gain buyers’ interest with low prices so that they can fund the project. While a lower price than re-sale isn’t guaranteed, it is possible!

The Cons of Pre-construction Condos

  • The Completion Date may be Delayed

One of the greatest problems with pre-construction condos is that you can never be sure when you’ll be able to move in. With unexpected problems, there is a strong possibility for delays in the completion of the building that may push your original move-in day back. With re-sale condos, however, the building is complete and you can move in once you have your funds in order and sign the papers.

  • What You See may not be What You Get

Re-sale condos come with virtually no surprises. You can see the things you like and the things that need fixing up, so you know what you’re buying. With pre-construction condos, however, it can be hard to know just what your unit may look like when it’s finished. You’ll have to craft an image in your head based on blueprints and design plans, but the end-results may be different than expected, especially since some small changes may be made at the last minute. If this isn’t something you’re comfortable with, a re-sale condo may be the better option for you.

Have More Questions or Concerns about the Differences Between Re-sale and Pre-construction Condos?

If you’re still sitting on the fence between re-sale and pre-construction condos, why not let me help you make up your mind? I can provide you with my years of expert knowledge on condos and answer any questions that you may have. Together, I know that we can find the perfect place for you! Call me at 647-519-5751 or e-mail me at to get started.

If you would like to discuss more the Resale vs Pre construction condos for sale in Toronto, please book an appointment with Arshad Hussain. A trusted name in Toronto pre-construction real estate.